Sunday, April 15, 2012

Done, son.

All in all, this was an interesting experience. I'm not the kind of person that likes to sit in front of a computer screen for any amount of time, so at times I felt a bit overwhelmed by the sheer number of things we were expected to do. I can't lie, having to sign up for so many accounts to complete many of the 23 Things annoyed me. It's hard enough to keep up with all the passwords you need for things like D2L, Livemail, Livetext, Onestop, etc without creating a dozen more accounts.

Okay, enough with the bellyaching. There were several of these 23 Things that I really enjoyed. Probably my favorite "thing" that I had never had any experience with was Animoto. I can see using this quite a lot in my personal life, but I can also imagine making video clips from pictures taken during class activities, field trips, etc. Being able to share them with the students, parents, and other teachers would be so fun!

It was great to see how to really make a lot of online tools work for you. I felt like learning to use the RSS feeds was really helpful. This is a great way to keep up with a lot of aspects of education - news, other teacher's blogs and experiences, etc. It's important to keep up on everything, since it seems things change so quickly!

I'll admit, I really doubt I will continue updating this blog. I have a personal blog and even with the best of intentions, it rarely gets updated. I do think, though, that once I have my own classroom I will create a blog that allows the parents to feel more connected.

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