Sunday, April 15, 2012

Thing #22

Honestly, my first impression was that LiveBinders is exactly the kind of thing I would never use. I'm sure once each binder is created they could be useful: however, creating each binder seems like a lot of work. In fact, it's hard to imagine as a busy professional that I would have time to log into LiveBinders and then take the time to create, modify, publish each binder.

Once I started creating the binders, it seemed easier, especially if you use the LiveBinder It option.I feel like it's mostly a website that organizes "bookmarks", which I can see wanting to use if you're a very organized kind of person. I'm not.

In my first binder, which I called "Projects", I cited a few websites that had classroom project ideas. My second binder, which I called "Assessment", I used several websites that listed standards and different assessment techniques. My third binder, which I called "Reading Activities", contains websites that list reading activities by grade level.

This is my "Reading Activities" LiveBinder.

Again, I can see how some people would find LiveBinders very useful, but I can't see myself using them in the classroom or in my personal life.

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