Saturday, April 14, 2012

Thing #19

The only community that I belong to of the ones mentioned for this "Thing" is TeacherPOP, which I joined for a previous "Thing". I do use IMDB a lot - but I'm not a member. (I have the IMDB app for my iPhone, which is probably use several times a week.) After reviewing the list of online communities, I decided to check out GoodReads and Fuzzster because I am an avid reader and because I have several pets.

I absolutely love GoodReads! I spent so much time using the site, rating books I've read, and looking through the suggestions the website made for me. What a wonderful website for a reader like me. I love to read and I'm always sad when I finish a book (in fact, I often read a book several times if I really like it) so the idea that this website will recommend books to me based on what I've read and liked is truly awesome!

Fuzzster was adorable. My husband and I don't have any kids, but we consider our pets our "fur babies" so I can relate to Fuzzster users who are obsessed with their pets! What a cute idea to be able to create a profile for your pet and be able to connect to other users with similar pets. My husband and I are Great Dane owners, so we love meeting and talking to other Great Dane owners. Fuzzster would be a great way to do that.

Overall, I really liked the suggestions on this "Thing". Social networking sites that are tailored to specific interests are great because it allows you to connect with other users with similar interests.

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